Transitional Kindergarten
Transitional Kindergarten is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten. TK offers children the “gift of time” to further develop their social, emotional and intellectual skills for success throughout their school experience. Children who are age-ready for kindergarten are eligible for TK at TTWS (turn 5 before August 31).
Daily Schedule 9a - 12:30p
5 days (Mon-Fri), 9:00am – 12:30pm
Carpool drop-off and pick-up is available.
Handwriting Without Tears (language, writing), Research Studies
Teacher Child Ratio
Transitional Kindergarten
Enrichment Activities
Science, music, My Gym, Cultural Awareness Programs, Children’s Theater, field trips, and Exploration Station, a TTWS classroom dedicated to open-ended exploration. There is a one-time Activity Fee for these activities.
Find Us:
1900 Queens Rd.Charlotte N.C. 28207
Call Us:
P: 704.377.1683F: 704.372.5150