In an atmosphere of play, TTWS offers opportunities for preschoolers to ask questions, find answers, develop math, writing and reading skills, and to develop the social and emotional skills necessary for success in kindergarten and beyond.
Threes: 4 days (Mon-Thur), 5 days (Mon-Fri)
Fours: 4 days (Mon-Thur), 5 days (Mon-Fri)
Daily Schedule 9a - 12:30p
The daily schedule includes free choice play in learning centers, small and large group instruction, lunch, and out-door play on the preschool playground. Carpool drop-off and pick-up is offered in the Preschool Program.
Teachers plan developmentally appropriate activities using Handwriting Without Tears, and Research Studies.
Teacher Child Ratio
Enrichment Activities
Science, music, My Gym, Children’s Theater, and Cultural Awareness Programs. Preschool classes visit Exploration Station, a TTWS classroom dedicated to open-ended exploration. There is a one-time activity fee for these activities.
Find Us:
1900 Queens Rd.Charlotte N.C. 28207
Call Us:
P: 704.377.1683F: 704.372.5150